Creating a career out of online gaming is often just a dream within a child’s mind as they explore their personal skillset. Not many actually follow through with this initial thought, either because they don’t know where to begin or they find other interests that suit them.
Is it right for me?
However, for a chosen few, a gaming career is not only possible, but within their grasp. If you love video games and find most of your time is spent simply playing them, you could be missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Video Games Pay My Bills is a website dedicated to teaching amatuer gamers how to become a self-sustaining online gamer with an increasing income.
What are the benefits?
There are many tools that are available on the internet that claim to aid in creating a video game career, though many are not nearly as comprehensive as VGPMB. Strictly based on the information available within the guides, no other website comes close to offering the same amount of instruction. This is simply the best source for creating an online gaming empire that is sure to earn you a supplemental income.
Video Game Job Listings and more!
One of the best tools available on the website is the Video Game Job Board, this collection of open video game positions presents valuable information for leading videogame developers. These creators are looking for gamers that can accurately detect and define flaws within a video game’s’ code.
Training and other listings
Some of these positions require outside training due to their specialization. These include listings for animators and programmers. If you’ve ever created your own games, or written your own code, these positions will be a sure fit for you. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find a position you can apply for, new listings are constantly being added. Continue reading